DAC Results, Scratch Racing, Thu 14th September 2023

Dobroyd RC Lasers 20230914

Fifteen DAC Sailors came along for our Scratch racing yesterday.

With a forecast of poor air quality in the morning and a Nor’Easter to clear it by noon, things were looking reasonable for the afternoon’s sailing. The city in the distance was clouded in smoke haze and fortunately, it stayed there for the most part.

The Nor’Easter settled in on schedule with speeds from 7 to 22 Km/Hr, (4 to 12 Knots).

We started with “A” sails and all changed to “B” ‘s for the second half.

It was a longish day with only 8 races possible. There were many boat rescues required. A combination of battery, setup and running aground were the main issues with, most unfortunately a transmitter rescue needed. Sadly this was unsuccessful.

The sailing conditions were great. We had fairly steady wind for the most part and the sun was high with little glare.

The racing got underway on time and Graham Brown started slowly. Graham made some minute sail adjustments and then quickly hit his straps to complete his day with 5 firsts and an overall win, scoring 8 points. It was good to see Phil Stevenson back after an enforced absence. Phil has lost nothing and quickly settled in to give Graham some much needed competition. Three places and all high finishes scored 18 points for Phil and second place for the day. Rob Lowndes won the first race and continued with a couple of places to earn third place. The following places were very close. Bruce Hilliard with a win, Stephen Deane and Robin Tickner, also a win were always in contention. The scoresheet showed a gradual increase as all finishes were hotly contested, places going down to eighth.

Race winners were Graham Brown 5, Rob Lowndes 1,  Robin Tickner 1 and Bruce Hilliard 1.

Graham Brown took the honours for the day to win 1st place on 8 points.

Phil Stevenson finished in 2nd place on 18 points.

Rob Lowndes finished in 3rd place also with 21 points.

The Club Championship now has Graham Brown in front from Noel McPherson and Phil Stevenson.

Our next Sail day is Thursday 21st September for a Scratch Event.

Part of the great atmosphere we enjoy on our sailing days, apart from the comradery is the willingness to chip in an help others. Graham Brown and Noel McPherson are always quick to help and have set the example. Yesterday David Moont assisted several Sailors with radio issues, his specialty. His advice and expertise were greatly appreciated. Thanks again David.

Thank you also to Jill Brown for scoring. This greatly helps as quite often, the race winner has to firstly find the scoresheet and then remember who followed whilst trying to sail clear of the finish line.