DAC Results, Scratch Racing, Thu 31st August 2023

Despite an iffy weather forecast 14 sailors turned up to enjoy a sunny day for the last day of winter.

We also welcomed a possible new recruit – Paula Reilly to try out our boats.

So with the sun out, we had a classic dead south breeze to content with – you know – the split personality wind coming on either side of the Clubhouse, and alternating.  The result was that we set 2 courses – one on each side of the Clubhouse, and it turned out neither worked particularly well.  If we chose to sail on the east side, the west side was better; until we swapped to the west side, and the breeze went somewhere else.

Nevertheless, we were able to get 8 races in.  We all sailed B sails – I don’t think any changes were really needed.

Because the wind was, shall we say, a little fickle, it really mixed the field up, and it was difficult to put all the “good” bits of a race together into one package for the individual.  Robin Tickner did this particularly well to come away with 4 wins – very creditable under the circumstances, with Graham Brown having 2 wins ; Philip Hetherington and Judy Evans each having 1.  Judy has become the dark horse in the field, and is popping up with more regularity in the results – good to see.

Actually, the minor placings were spread right through most of the field, and most came away with a high placing or 2.

So, Robin Tickner took out the top position for the day, with Graham Brown 2nd and Stephen Deane finishing 3rd. A great effort.

I noticed in the result sheet there were a couple of placings determined on coutbacks; and that the group behind the first three were close in points – well done everyone.

Attached are results sheets.

Our next sailing day will be Thursday 7 September; and will be a handicap day.