DAC Results, Scratch Racing, Thu 30th November 2023


Yesterday we had 13 DAC Sailors come along for a sail.

For the last day of Spring we had yet another repeat of threatening skies but thankfully no rain.

The wind was all over the place with a drifter increasing up to 20 km/Hr from the North West, (11 Knots). This was the Club recorded speed although some patches were considerably higher.

Every sail hit the water for some of us. I used “A” through to “D” and occasionally back.

The more seasoned sailors were always a sail or two greater and boy did they manage them well!

Graham Brown was back to his better days. Although only 2 firsts were recorded, Graham’s remaining races were all seconds and a third. His consistency earned first place to win the day with 11 points. Phil Stevenson maintained his top form with three firsts to come home in second place on 14 points. Brendan Hones has his #197 sailing to a high standard. All Brendan’s finishes were right up in the front group, four places scored 21 points and a third for the day’s racing.

For a Scratch Racing day, the scoring was again fairly close with places going well down the page. Robin Tickner, Brian Chapman (a win), Martin Thearle, Peter Close, Phil Hetherington, Ron Garner (a win) and Rob Lowndes (a win) all scored a place or two at some stage.

The Paterson fleet was reduced to one boat with Bruce and Karen alternating with Karen’s #322 to share the racing. Bruce and Karen offered to take turns at Race Officer duties, thank you both.

Race winners were Graham Brown 2, Phil Stevenson 3, Brian Chapman 1 and Ron Garner 1.

Graham Brown took the honours for the day to win 1st place on 11 points.

Phil Stevenson finished in 2nd place on 14 points.

Brendan Hones finished in 3rd place with 21 points.

The Club Championship now has Graham Brown in front from Noel McPherson and Phil Stevenson.

There is a minor change with the Club Championship scoring. To follow the HMS Scoring System of dropping one’s lowest result (or more) on a race day, each Sailor will drop their lowest (or more) result(s) during the year. The maximum drop is 6 race days (after 32) to give us all our annual holidays, or other.

The number of drops now show on the Score page.

Our next Sail day is Thursday 7th December for a Handicap Event.