DAC Results, Scratch Racing, Thu 26th May 2022

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Yesterday was another good day on the water for 16 DAC Sailors, a great turnout after recent dodgy weather.

It was a fairly sunny day with temperatures around 20 degs. The forecast breeze was virtually calm but the actual wind settled as a Nor’Easterly at 5 up to 20 Km/Hr (3-11 Knots).

The competition was hot, the starts although congested were reasonable and the race to the first mark was busy and well contested. “A” sails, the only option at the beginning, caused some tricky situations. Occasionally the wind disappeared altogether, resulting in some boats caught in irons, other times the odd gust buried the nose on the downwind run. The two top marks were well bruised by the end of the day.

It certainly is different sailing with a relatively large Fleet. Planning ahead for a path to the top mark requires taking in all the boats around you and estimating where they will be when you cross. A little forethought goes a long way. Keeping out of mischief also helps a great deal in the washup!

It was a great day for Peter Close. The recent disappointment of a trip to the Sunshine Coast for their Championship and cancelled by weather as he arrived, was put aside. Peter sailed consistently at his near best for a win. One 1st was alongside 4 his  2nds  to take first place. There was no easy sailing. The first 5 boats were always a challenge. Phil Stevenson with 4 wins and a place was just pipped into second overall. Stephen Deane and Graham Brown were always hot on their heels with Robin Tickner also well in the mix. Rob Lowndes and Noel McPherson each scored a win with the remaining places not going much further down the list.

Race winners were Peter Close 1, Phil Stevenson 4, Stephen Deane 1, Graham Brown 1, Rob Lowndes 1 and Noel McPherson 1.

Peter Close took the honours for the day to win 1st place on 17 points.

Phil Stevenson finished in 2nd place on 18 points.

Stephen Deans finished in 3rd place with 20 points.

The Club Championship now has Graham Brown in front from Phil Stevenson and Robin Tickner.

Our next Sail day is Thursday 2nd June for a Handicap Event.